On 16/09/17 23:26, Ben wrote:
> PS. Whoa! I just noticed that somehow there were a bunch of duplicates
> of my drafts/messages sent to the list - apologies!
> My Thunderbird has really been acting strange recently. Sorry! No clue
> what happened...

So has mine ...

I think it was a dud message somehow, I got thousands of copies of a
list mail about divisi (I notice you replied to that, that message
caused me massive grief).

My thunderbird currently keeps on repeatedly downloading the headers
from my imap server - fortunately it's a mail server on my computer -
but from what I can make out, some index somewhere is apparently
corrupt. Only snag is, I don't know what index, or where, as the
references to it seem (a) out-of-date, and (b) what they point at
doesn't exist.


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