David Kastrup <d...@gnu.org> writes:

> Noeck <noeck.marb...@gmx.de> writes:
>> Hi,
>>> Note or chord or rest or skip or bass figure or cluster note or lyrics
>>> or multimeasure rest.  Something like that.
>> :)
>>> Slur or phrasing slur or absolute dynamic or annote output or arpeggio
>>> or articulation or beam or beam forbid or bendafter or crescendo or
>>> decrescendo or episema or, well, the alphabet is long yet.
>> :) Well that's what I feared.
>>> SlurEvent has the advantage that it is a property of the music
>>> expression one can get and print comparatively easy.
>> I expected something like that. So it would be an easy and helpful
>> improvement of the message. One could also automatically remove the
>> "Event" part.  But there's not much gain.
> Slur is a grob type.  slur-event is a stream event class.  At the point
> the error message is triggered, we are processing music expressions.
> For someone without a clue about LilyPond internals, SlurEvent is not
> harder to decipher than Slur, and someone versed in LilyPond will be
> quite confused to read about a Slur in this context.
> So there's not just "not much gain" but only confusion to be had by
> trying to masquerade the type of the music expression.  If we try to
> substitute technical terms by handwaving, we are not likely to match the
> hand size of every LilyPond user well.

Further bikeshedding on
<https://sourceforge.net/p/testlilyissues/issues/5194/>, code review at

David Kastrup

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