Kieren MacMillan <> writes:

> Hi David,
>> you still fail to specify _what_ you actually want.
> Sigh. I have specified exactly what I want. Several times. I'll do it
> again, in yet another wording, hoping you find this more clear:

I give up.  As long as you refuse to answer the question I have repeated
at least 3 times by now, there is no implementable specification.

You have again _completely_ failed to specify what you actually expect
self-alignment-X to do over its range of values in the context of
\dynText .

> (Note that I have intentionally left out the post-hoc "tweak using the
> edition-engraver" portion of my process, since that part seems to be
> confusing you.)

Rather I suspect that it excites you to a degree where you again and
again and again forget what I am asking.  It's irrelevant to the issue
at hand.

>> Without such a specification, there will be no code doing what you
>> want because you just leave far too much in the open.
> It seems pretty cut and dried to me. What is unclear about the 2-point
> specification I gave, above?

It doesn't specify what the different possible values of
self-alignment-X are supposed to do, and your request was that
self-alignment-X was to be heeded.

David Kastrup

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