Hello David (et al.),

> Using the edition-engraver, I'd like to set self-alignment-X = #RIGHT (which 
> would allow the note spacing to normalize) and then use either X-offset or 
> extra-offset to nudge the dynamic back to the right (to approximate the 
> "proper" alignment). If I can do that, the mechanism (i.e., function + 
> post-hoc tweak) "works".

As it turns out, I can get the same effect by setting X-extent = 
#empty-interval (so that the note-spacing ignores it) and then using 
extra-offset to nudge the dynamic back [almost] in place. That will do for my 
current needs… though I will continue to poke around and see if I can improve 
the \dynamic and \dynText function(s) in any way.

Thanks for the help,

Kieren MacMillan, composer
‣ website: www.kierenmacmillan.info
‣ email: i...@kierenmacmillan.info

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