On Thu 23 Feb 2017 at 11:06:16 (-0500), Tim Slattery wrote:
> Joseph Austin <drtechda...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >I don't fully understand the point or effect of the "extra" quotes in the 
> >example.
> >Why is the f example incorrect?
> Looks like a quotation mark must be within a quoted string (or it
> means something else). But once you start a quoted string, another
> quote will end it. The back slash "escapes" the following character,
> telling LP that it's not a control character, but an actual quote. 

Yes, the source of the confusion is the backslash. It might be clearer
if the documentation quoted by the OP finished thus:

… any 8-bit character with an ASCII code over 127, or a two-character
combination of a backslash followed by one of `, ', ", or ^.
Note that backslash itself is not in this list, so strings beginning
with those combinations must be quoted.


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