----- Original Message -----
From: "Joseph Austin" <drtechda...@gmail.com>
To: <lilypond-user@gnu.org>
Sent: Wednesday, February 22, 2017 11:52 PM
Subject: Quotes in Lyrics
LilyPons Notation Reference 2.1.2 contains the following example of quotes
in lyrics:
\relative c' { \time 3/4 e4 e4. e8 d4 e d c2. }
\addlyrics { "\"I" am so lone- "ly\"" said she }
And there follows a statement that seems to say a lyrics word can begin
with backslash quote:
A word in Lyrics mode begins with: an alphabetic character, _, ?, !, :, ',
the control characters ^A through ^F, ^Q through ^W, ^Y, ^^, any 8-bit
character with ASCII code over 127, or a two-character combination of a
backslash followed by one of `, ', ", or ^.
I don't fully understand the point or effect of the "extra" quotes in the
Why is the f example incorrect?
\relative c' { \time 3/4 e4 e4. e8 d4 e d c2. }
\addlyrics { \"She is so lone- ly\" said he }
(BTW, adding spaces around the \" doesn't help:
\addlyrics { \" She is so lone- ly \" said he }
I get the following errors:
Processing `/Users/josephaustin/lilypond/scripts/TEST/quote2.ly'
/Users/josephaustin/lilypond/scripts/TEST/quote2.ly:8:36: error: EOF found
inside string
\addlyrics { \"She is so lone- ly\"
said he }
/Users/josephaustin/lilypond/scripts/TEST/quote2.ly:8:36: error:
Unfinished main input
\addlyrics { \"She is so lone- ly\"
said he }
/Users/josephaustin/lilypond/scripts/TEST/quote2.ly:8:36: error: syntax
error, unexpected end of input
\addlyrics { \"She is so lone- ly\"
said he }
Interpreting music...
fatal error: failed files:
The preceding paragraph to the one you quote says:
"Normal quotes may be used in lyrics, but they have to be preceded with a
backslash character and the whole syllable has to be enclosed between
additional quotes"
So presumably it's a function of how LilyPond parses quote marks. Best just
to accept that and do as the manual says.
Phil Holmes
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