On Wed 22 Feb 2017 at 18:52:25 (-0500), Joseph Austin wrote:
> LilyPons Notation Reference 2.1.2 contains the following example of quotes in 
> lyrics:
> \relative c' { \time 3/4 e4 e4. e8 d4 e d c2. }
> \addlyrics { "\"I" am so lone- "ly\"" said she }
> And there follows a statement that seems to say a lyrics word can begin with 
> backslash quote:
> A word in Lyrics mode begins with: an alphabetic character, _, ?, !, :, ', 
> the control characters ^A through ^F, ^Q through ^W, ^Y, ^^, any 8-bit 
> character with ASCII code over 127, or a two-character combination of a 
> backslash followed by one of `, ', ", or ^.  

That looks suspect. It seems that the *lonely* example is correct:
you need to put quotes round   \"She   if you want   "She   to appear
in the music.

But why not do the Right Thing and dispose of this problem with
\addlyrics { “I am so lone- ly” said she }
and have yourself a proper set of 66 and 99 quotation marks
without needing to enclose them in quotes. Those characters are
in the category "any 8-bit character with ASCII code over 127".


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