Am 13.12.2016 um 11:11 schrieb Peter Toye:
Urs, Andrew, Simon
Thank you all very much for the solutions. I now have 4 ways to create
what I need!
My next task - to get ties across enharmonics, which I gather is
impossible and I have to use slurs.
There is a regtest for this, so it looks as if lilypond accepts ties
between enharmonic notes at least since 2.19.16.
\version "2.19.16"
\header { texidoc = "
LilyPond should accept a tie between notes which are
enharmonically identical.
" }
\time 3/4
\repeat unfold 3 {
cis'4~ des'
\layout { ragged-right = ##t }
%\midi {}
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