Am 12. Dezember 2016 13:27:45 MEZ, schrieb Andrew Bernard 
>​Hi All,​
>On 12 December 2016 at 23:24, Alexander Kobel <>
>> Hi,
>> On 2016-12-12 12:24, Peter Toye wrote:
>>> Andrew, Urs,
>>> Thanks both for the ideas. It's interesting.
>>> Andrew's method works but gives a warning about clashing note
>>> but the layout is fine.
>> you can add a
>>   \once \override NoteColumn.ignore-collision = ##t
>> before \stemDown; this will suppress the warning.
>> BTW: Has this warning been disabled somewhere in the unstable
>> From 2.19.49, I get no complaint even for
>>   << { \stemDown b' } \\ a' >>
>> which clearly collides...

I think in this example there actually is no colliding-note-column clash 
because the two note heads don't share the nite column.
This is different from visual collisions that should of course be avoided.

>> ​
>I dont get any such warning in 2.19.52. Suits me fine. I use this
>daily. As far as I am concerned, it is not a clash (but perhaps
>once saw it that way.)

Well, actually this *is* a collision between two stems but you happen to *want* 
My issue with this approach is that the correct result is somewhat arbitrary. 
If you should happen to change the notes so they are further apart or if you 
change the stylesheet to produce shorter stems you'll gave a gap - and must 
notice this yourself.
This us similar to the old approach to lengthen strms for cross-staff stems.



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