Am 12.12.2016 um 12:24 schrieb Peter Toye:

So this is "my" solution. Comments inline

>    \relative c' {
>      <<
>        {
>          \once \hide Accidental \once \hide NoteHead \once \hide Stem

You need an additional \once \stemDown in my
version as well. The way you create the polyphonic section (separating
the voices with \\) will implicitly make the first voice \voiceOne and
the other \voiceTwo.
So what your example does is: create a third with stems up and hide it.
But as it is stems up the note will be doubled. If you make that
stemDown the visible and the hidden note heads will merge.

>          <fs' a>4 ~ <fs a>8 <c fs> a' g
>        }
>        \\
>        {
>          <a,~ c~ fs a>4    <a c>4 <g d'>
>        }
>      >>
>      r4
>      <<
>        {
>         <a c fs~ a~>4  <fs' a>8 <c fs> a' g
>        }
>        \\
>        {  
>         \once \hide Accidental \once \hide NoteHead \once \hide Stem
>          <a, c>4~  <a c>4 <g d'>
>        }
>      >>
>      r4
>    }

Urs Liska

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