David's example shows the same issue, I'm having.

I'm writing choir music with soprano & alto on one staff and tenor & bass
on another. So, basically I need to force slurs & ties on the "outer side"
of each staff. I also need to force stems up / down. I just deleted
everything unnecessary from my example as instructed.

Could this be a bug? --> Should I send this to bug list? I could not find a
suitable bug in the list with a quick search.


On 16 November 2016 at 01:13, David Wright <lily...@lionunicorn.co.uk>

> On Tue 15 Nov 2016 at 13:23:56 (-0800), Mark Stephen Mrotek wrote:
> > Not knowing the requirements/necessity of your putting the slur above
> the beam, I would put the slur down – closer to the note heads. This
> would/does avoid conflict with the number.
> Yes, that's what I thought, until I looked at a partial draft setting
> I have which looks like the attached. I force the tuplet numbers
> above the staves because there are lyrics, but I left the slurs to
> their own devices.
> Slurs across whole triplets (not shown here) sit over the tuplet
> numbers, which is fine for me, but these partial slurs seem to point
> in the wrong direction, as if half-heartedly trying to leap over the
> numbers.
> > From: Risto Vääräniemi [mailto:risva...@gmail.com]
> > I need a slur. It was quicker to write a bunch of same notes. I tested
> it again with different pitches and it gets even weirder.
> >
> > Please check the first and the third tuple. They are different for some
> reason. The beam is horizontal so I'd expect the slur ends be on the same
> level, too. In my real example I get the first one. I'll try to tweak the
> control points but I don't think I should. The fourth one is the one I'd
> like to have.
> Cheers,
> David.
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