Hi Mark,

I need a slur. It was quicker to write a bunch of same notes. I tested it
again with different pitches and it gets even weirder.

Please check the first and the third tuple. They are different for some
reason. The beam is horizontal so I'd expect the slur ends be on the same
level, too. In my real example I get the first one. I'll try to tweak the
control points but I don't think I should. The fourth one is the one I'd
like to have.


\version "2.19.49"

\relative c'' {
  \time 4/4
  \tuplet 3/2 {a8^( g) a}
  \once \override TupletNumber.avoid-slur = #'outside
  \tuplet 3/2 {a8^( g) a}
  \tuplet 3/2 {a8^( g) a}
  \once \override TupletBracket.padding = #1.6
  \tuplet 3/2 {a8^( g) a}

On 15 November 2016 at 20:35, Mark Stephen Mrotek <carsonm...@ca.rr.com>

> Risto,
> Looking at the .png, do you want a slur or a tie?
> I have tried two alterations (in 2.18.2):
> 1.      Changing pitches to “g^ (a) b” and the number is positioned
> correctly.
> 2.      Changing from a slur to a tie, “g^~ g  g ” and the number is
> positioned correctly.
> Mark
> *From:* lilypond-user [mailto:lilypond-user-bounces+carsonmark=
> ca.rr....@gnu.org] *On Behalf Of *Risto Vääräniemi
> *Sent:* Tuesday, November 15, 2016 9:22 AM
> *To:* Lilypond user <lilypond-user@gnu.org>
> *Subject:* Weird behaviour with TupletNumber.avoid-slur (beam disappears)
> Hi,
> I tried to keep the tuplet number from colliding with a slur by using
> TupletNumber.avoid-slur = #'outside. It has worked before ~2.12.XX but with
> 2.19.49 something weid happened. The tuplet beam disappeared (actually was
> shortened and moved to the left of the staff, see the red circle).
> Even without the avoid-slur the slur and the tuplet number behaved
> differently depending on which beat the tuplet was on.
> The third one is the expected (but not ideal) way LP prints this. The
> fourth is the weirdest one with avoid-slur. The second one is something
> quite interesting.
> Thankfully, there's TupletBracket.padding that bails me out.
> -Risto
> -----
> \version "2.19.49"
> \relative c'' {
>   \time 4/4
>   \tuplet 3/2 { g8 g g }
>   \tuplet 3/2 { g8^( g) g }
>   \tuplet 3/2 { g8^( g) g }
>   \once \override TupletNumber.avoid-slur = #'outside
>   \tuplet 3/2 { g8^( g) g }
> }
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