On Tue 15 Nov 2016 at 13:23:56 (-0800), Mark Stephen Mrotek wrote:
> Not knowing the requirements/necessity of your putting the slur above the 
> beam, I would put the slur down – closer to the note heads. This would/does 
> avoid conflict with the number. 

Yes, that's what I thought, until I looked at a partial draft setting
I have which looks like the attached. I force the tuplet numbers
above the staves because there are lyrics, but I left the slurs to
their own devices.

Slurs across whole triplets (not shown here) sit over the tuplet
numbers, which is fine for me, but these partial slurs seem to point
in the wrong direction, as if half-heartedly trying to leap over the

> From: Risto Vääräniemi [mailto:risva...@gmail.com] 
> I need a slur. It was quicker to write a bunch of same notes. I tested it 
> again with different pitches and it gets even weirder.
> Please check the first and the third tuple. They are different for some 
> reason. The beam is horizontal so I'd expect the slur ends be on the same 
> level, too. In my real example I get the first one. I'll try to tweak the 
> control points but I don't think I should. The fourth one is the one I'd like 
> to have.

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