Il giorno mer 24 ago 2016 alle 19:13, Noeck <> ha scritto:

 Last year we had this discussion:

And in this discussion, sort of agreed that the website (the first page you look at and some few others) are different from all the docs and so
on. Switching the docs in all languages with the examples etc. from
texinfo to sth. else is daunting to say the least.

Even if this is a frequent misunderstanding, nobody ever thought about this possibility. The discussion was about switching the _website only_ to something else. Urs made a good (long) summary of the discussion here:
But for the front
page/website there is in principle a little bit more freedom if one has
a convincing alternative (with constraints still of course - and I am
sure many will appear here after this mail).

As I commented on the discussion last year, I think, a lot can be done
by a new html/css layout without necessarily switching much of how the
html content is produced. The front page should also be reconsidered.

Yes, it's possible but it requires a lot of work: you'll probably have to work also on texinfo files (at least to add/remove html divs) and perhaps on the texi2html init file (written in perl).

At the moment, I think that the best approach is changing small things. The best concrete proposal I've seen in this discussion is the one from Paul (who is also the person who contributed more to doc and website style in the last year and something).

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