"Pastor Neubauer" <rev...@unitelc.com> writes:

> I have a problem that seems to be part of the way lilypond works. I'm using
> the code below. What I am wondering is how to change the lines following the
> \break command. These lines seem to ignore all page formatting. The first
> line is indented and the remaining lines are not.
> \relative c'{
>   \set Score.alternativeNumberingStyle = #'numbers
>   \repeat volta 3 { c4 d e f | }
>     \alternative {
>       { c4 d e f | c2 d \break }
>       { f4 g a b | f4 g a b | f2 a | \break }
>       { c4 d e f | c2 d }
>     }
>   c1 \break
>   \set Score.alternativeNumberingStyle = #'numbers-with-letters
>   \repeat volta 3 { c,4 d e f | }
>     \alternative {
>       { c4 d e f | c2 d \break }
>       { f4 g a b | f4 g a b | f2 a | \break }
>       { c4 d e f | c2 d }
>     }
>   c1
> }

The first line is indented using the "indent" variable in the \paper or
\layout block.  All of the following lines are indented using the
"short-indent" variable (normally zero).

This is described in the manual

David Kastrup

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