I am not using score blocks. I never really trained in on Lilypond, just sort
of started finding what worked so I am going line by line using addlyrics. I
know I have had some difficulties that could be worked out if I used more
“formal” methods.
I’ve attached the .ly file for brevities sake.
From: Abraham Lee [mailto:tisimst.lilyp...@gmail.com]
Sent: Thursday, August 25, 2016 1:41 PM
To: Pastor Neubauer
Cc: Kevin Barry; LilyPond Users
Subject: Re: Alternative bar numbering [0.18571]
On Thu, Aug 25, 2016 at 12:33 PM, Pastor Neubauer <rev...@unitelc.com> wrote:
Thanks for getting back to me. I've attached the pdf of what I've done so far
so you can see the formatting issue.
That is indeed strange. Mind sharing the source file? I'm pretty sure the
solution will be obvious then. Are you using multiple \score blocks?
P.S. Please CC the list so this thread gets recorded
#(set-global-staff-size 17.82)
\paper {
#(set-paper-size "letter")
\layout {
indent = #10
left-margin = #20
right-margin = #40
line-width = #185
ragged-right = ##f
check-consistency = ##t
\header {
title = "Cornerstone"
subtitle = " "
copyright = \markup \center-column {
\line {" "}
\line { "Words and music by Lenny LeBlanc |Paul Baloche" }
\line { \char ##x00A9" 1999 Integrity's Hosanna! Music | LenSongs Publishing."}
\line { "Used by permission. CCLI License # 11090669" }
\relative c' {
\key c \major
\override Staff.TimeSignature #'stencil = ##f
\override MultiMeasureRest.expand-limit = #2
\bar ".|:" r8 c8 e8[ g8] g4 r8 c,8 d8 e8 e4 r2 r8 f8 f8[ a8] a4 r8 e8
\addlyrics {
\set stanza = #"1. " My hope is built on noth -- ing less, than Je -- sus' blood and
\relative c' {
\key c \major
\override Staff.TimeSignature #'stencil = ##f
e8[ d8] d4~ d8 r8 r4 r8 c8 e8[ g8] g4 r8 c,8 d8 e8 e4
\addlyrics {
right -- eous -- ness I dare not trust the sweet -- est frame,
\relative c' {
\key c \major
\override Staff.TimeSignature #'stencil = ##f
\repeat volta 2 {
r8 f8 f8[ e8] d8. e16 d4~ }
\alternative { { d16 c8 c16~ c2. r1 \bar ":|." } { d16\repeatTie c8 c16~c2 r4 } }
\addlyrics {
bu whol -- ly trust in Je -- sus' Name. - sus' Name.
%Chorus 1
\relative c' {
\key c \major
\override Staff.TimeSignature #'stencil = ##f
r2 e4 d4 c4 r4 f4 e4 d4 r4 e4 d4 c4. c16 c16 f4~f16 e8 d16\laissezVibrer
\addlyrics {
Christ a -- lone. Corn -- er -- stone. Weak made strong in the Sav -- ior's love.
\relative c' {
\key c \major
\override Staff.TimeSignature #'stencil = ##f
d4\repeatTie r4 e4 g4 c,4 r4 f4 e4 d4 r4 e4 d4 c2. r4 r1
\addlyrics {
_ Through the storm, He is Lord. Lord of all.
%Verse 2 and 3
\relative c' {
\key c \major
\override Staff.TimeSignature #'stencil = ##f
r8 c8 e8[ g8] g4 r8 c,8 d8 e8 e4 r2 r8 f8 f8[ a8] a4 r8 e8 e8 d8 d4~ d8 r8 r4
\addlyrics {
\set stanza = #"2. " When dark -- ness seems to hide His face, I rest on His un -- chang -- ing grace.
\addlyrics {
\set stanza = #"3. " When He shall come with trump -- et sound, oh may I then in Him be found.
\relative c' {
\key c \major
\override Staff.TimeSignature #'stencil = ##f
r8 c8 e8[ g8] g4 r8 c,8 d8 e8 e4 r2 r8 f8 f8[ e8] d8. e16 d8~ d16 c8 c16~ c2. \bar "||"
\addlyrics {
In ev -- 'ry high and storm -- y gale, my an -- chor holds with -- in the veil.
\addlyrics {
Dressed in His righ -- eous -- ness a -- lone. Fault -- less to stand be -- fore the throne.
%Chorus 2
\relative c'' {
\key c \major
\override Staff.TimeSignature #'stencil = ##f
r8 f8 f8[ e8] d8. e16 d4~ d16 c8 c16~ c2. r2 e4 d4 \bar ".|:" c4 r4 f4 e4
\addlyrics {
My an -- chor holds with -- in the veil. Christ a -- lone. Corn -- er-
\relative c'' {
\key c \major
\override Staff.TimeSignature #'stencil = ##f
\set Score.alternativeNumberingStyle = #'numbers
\repeat volta 3 { d4 r4 e4 d4 c4. c16 c16 f4~f16 e8 d16~ d4 r4 e4 g4 c,4 r4 f4 e4 }
\alternative {
{ d4 r4 e4 d4 c2. r4 r2 e4 d8( c8) e8( d32 c32 c16~ c4) r2 r2 e4 d4 \break f4.( e8~ e4. d8~ d8) r8 r4 e4 d4 \bar ":|." }
{ d4 r4 e4 d4 c2 r2 r2 e4 d4 \bar ":|." \break }
{ d4 r4 e4 d4 c2. r4 r1 r1 r1^\markup { \tiny \italic { to verse 3 } } }
\addlyrics {
stone. Weak made strong in the Sav -- ior's love. Through the storm, He is Lord. Lord of all. He is Lord. __ Lord of all. __ Christ a- Lord. Lord of all. Christ a- Lord. Lord of all.
\version "2.18.2"
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