On 11/05/2016, 6:41 PM, "lilypond-user on behalf of Chris Yate" 
<lilypond-user-bounces+andrew.bernard=gmail....@gnu.org on behalf of 
chrisy...@gmail.com> wrote:

There's no point having passwords that you can't remember

I never buy this argument. You can have strong passwords that you can remember. 
If you can memorise a Beethoven Sonata, you can memorise a short string, and 
interestingly, since you have to type it, muscular memory comes into play just 
as it does for music. I can remember all my strong passwords. But then, at 
school. we had to memorise and recite lengthy complete texts. I suppose this is 
now considered old fashioned and ’too hard'. I maintain it is a valuable skill.


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