I had requested my domain provider to set the SPF record and I thought they 
did. Apparently not :-(

Was the email really sent from nabble cause the same kind of email was sent to 
a group of friends. 


> On May 10, 2016, at 3:55 PM, Federico Bruni <f...@inventati.org> wrote:
> Il giorno mar 10 mag 2016 alle 20:05, MarcM <m...@mouries.net> ha scritto:
>> I am sorry but i am not sending those messages. Someone accessed my gmail
>> account, took the contacts and is spoofing my email address.
> I don't think so.
> By the way, if the mail of mouries.net is handled by Google you should set a 
> SPF record in your domain DNS panel to authorize only google:
> https://support.google.com/a/answer/33786
> If set, when somebody spoofs your email address, the message will be marked 
> as spam by servers who check the SPF record. I think...
>> I received an email of insults from Cynthia Karl <pck...@mac.com> which
>> really is not necessary. I secured my gmail account but it's apparently not
>> enough.
> The message was sent from nabble, so I guess that someone stole the password 
> to log in there (not your gmail password). Try updating the password on 
> nabble.com
>> Thanks for your understanding.
>> Feel free to remove me from the list.
> You can do it yourself or change the email address here:
> https://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/lilypond-user
> (not working right now)

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