On 11/05/16 03:30, Andrew Bernard wrote:

> a way in to your email account has been found, generally through a password 
> attack. The main advice I can give is to replace all 
> your mail account passwords with very strong passwords that are not
readily cracked.
> Although it can be annoying to remember and type strong passwords,
they seem to do the trick.
> There are a few websites that provide strong password generators that
make pretty much uncrackable passwords.

To remember your password, I would advice following trick: Take a Music
Text you know by heart and extract the first letters like follows:

Freude! Freude!

Freude, schöner Götterfunken,
Tochter aus Elysium,
Wir betreten feuertrunken,
Himmlische, dein Heiligthum!


But there are numbers missing. So I would add for example the creation
date of Beethoven's last symphony 1824:


And a last advice: you have to put down your passwords in a encrypted
file (PGP), but you have to look into it, only in a case of urgency. You
have to use your passwords often by heart.

Sorry for this off-topic mail.


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