On 30/04/2016 9:36 pm, Thomas Morley wrote:
g2:5.9 is not correct. See the putput from the following code listing
some (all?) possibilities to _input_ the correct chord.

tst = {
   \chordmode {
    \set additionalPitchPrefix = "add"
    c:5.9 %% not correct !
   \notemode {
     <c' e' g' d''>
   \new Staff \tst
   \new ChordNames \tst
I assume you are using LP 2.19 - I'm using 2.18 and the results are different, c:5 still produces a triad. But this is something to note for the future.

Well, two problems.
(1) Like yourself I've seen a plethora of requests to write
chord-names in a certain way over the years.
Though, there is no general consense how to do it. Everyone wants it
(a little) different.
True, but unlike most chord naming schemes I've come across in the last 30 years, I find the Ignatzek defaults to be quite unhelpful in producing either the same symbol for different chords (e.g. the G9 and Gadd9 case that got this thread started, or have at look at what c:9.11+ generates) or else symbols that are well, odd. For example, if a user enters c:4 (which was the subject of another thread sometime in the not so distant past), they get back "C4 sus4 3" - whatever that is.

(2) LilyPond provides methods to get the desired output: via
exceptions or the already mentioned pop-chords-snippet
and derivates from it.
Also true, but it's not obvious you need these methods until you start running up against the inadequacies of the Ignatzek defaults.


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