On 29/04/16 18:59, Malte Meyn wrote:
The magic is called additionalPitchPrefix. It can be found f. e. at
section 2.7.2 of the Notation Reference. The following code prints “C9
C9 Cadd9 C9”.
\version "2.18.2"
\new ChordNames {
<c e g d'>
<c e g bes d'>
\set additionalPitchPrefix = "add"
<c e g d'>
<c e g bes d'>
I had trouble with pop-chords.ly: first I couldn't find it, and then
when I found something that purported to be it I zigged when I should
have zagged and couldn't make it work.
But this additionalPitchPrefix thing works beautifully. And, for those
who come behind me, it works fine with \chordmode too:
\version "2.18.2"
\new ChordNames {
\set additionalPitchPrefix = "add"
\chordmode { c:5.9 c:m7.5- c:5+.9- }
<c e g d'>
<c e g bes d'>
(Gives Cadd9 Cø C#5addb9 Cadd9 C9, exactly as required.)
Henry Law Manchester, England
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