I’m transcribing a rock guitar solo, and to engrave the many string bends
I’m using Stephen MacNeil’s LilyPond code library, available here:

If I use the “definitions_No-Tab.ly” file, LilyPond engraves the file with
no hiccups. However, if I use the “definitions.ily” for notation and TAB, I
get the following error:

Drawing systems...
<0>: In procedure ly:event-property in expression (ly:event-property
(event-cause right-bound) (quote pitch)):

<1>: Wrong type argument in position 1 (expecting Prob): #f

Exited with return code 1.

Learning Scheme is still on my to-do list, so I don’t quite understand
what’s going on here. Frustratingly, I can’t seem to localize the error -
I’ve tried compiling the file with different sections commented out, but
the error isn’t consistently generated. A few times it happened at bar 13,
but then it happened at bar 31, and then a few more times at places in
between. It reliably compiles for the first 12 bars, but that’s it.

I’ve put the LilyPond code in a Gist here:


This is the first third of the transcription. I’m hoping it will be enough
that someone might be able to diagnose the problem. I’ve taken out all
extraneous formatting code, which didn’t seem to effect the error.

I’m using Frescobaldi 2.19 with LilyPond 2.19.40. It also happens in 2.18.
I would prefer to use 2.19 so that I can use an alternative music font in
the final document.

I hope someone can help me figure out what’s going on.


-Devon LePage.
lilypond-user mailing list

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