Hi everyone,

So I’m writing a function that reimplements the ‘\compoundMeter’ command with 
an Orff-style time signature, whereby the denominator of the signature is a 
note head (as opposed to a number), e.g. 4/4 = 4/crotchet, 9/8 = 
3/dotted-crotchet, 15/16+2/4 = 5/dotted-quaver + 2/crotchet. I’ve been able to 
implement the first two cases, i.e. no additive signatures,  but I’d like to 
make the third example work.
**My first question is: does anyone know where can I find the source (scm or 
otherwise) for \compoundMeter? I can’t find it in the ‘share/scm’ folder. I 
feel like it would be helpful to reference.**

My attempts to make this work have involved trying to generate the markup using 
foreach loops, that crawl through a list of lists that might look like:

        (  (3 3 (ly:make-duration 3 1))   (4 (ly:make-duration 2))  )
which would be equal to: (9+9/16)+(4/4). All elements except for the last of 
each loop are numerators, while the last is the denominator.


This is the scheme code doing the work (not finished, but the basics should 
work?). The list-of-lists is referred to as ‘durs':

\version “2.18.2"                
  ( for-each
   (lambda (x) 
    (markup "+")
    ( #:center-column 
     ;; Numerator Markup. The list supplied to the for-each loop doesn’t 
contain the duration. [“(cdr (reverse x))”]
        (lambda (y) 
          ( markup "+") 
          (#:number (number->string y) )
        (cdr (reverse x))
    ;; Denominator markup.
     (ly:duration-log (car (reverse x))) 
     (ly:duration-dot-count (car (reverse x))) 

This haphazard collection of markup needs to somehow fit into:

        \override Score.TimeSignature #'text =

which accepts ‘markup’, singular, only. 

This throws errors such as:
        warning: type check for `stencil' failed; value `#<unspecified>' must 
be of type `stencil'


**So my second question is: How do I programmatically generate markup from 
information taken from a list, and then put it into a single markup variable?**

Any help at all would be greatly appreciated.
Cheers, Matt.
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