On 24/04/2016 16:13, Stephen MacNeil wrote:
Add a line break before bar 25

r4 r8 e' g2 | \break  % gradual bend on g2 towards a |

% BAR 25

\bendGrace g8( a2) g2( | % gradual bend on g2 towards a |

\bendGrace g8 a4 g8) e g2( | % gradual bend on g2 towards a |

Or, if it's a longer piece and you want lily to choose the line breaks to look nice, you could put a \noBreak after bars 25 and 25?

r4 r8 e' g2 | % gradual bend on g2 towards a |

% BAR 25

\bendGrace g8( a2) g2( \noBreak | % gradual bend on g2 towards a |

\bendGrace g8 a4 g8) e g2( \noBreak | % gradual bend on g2 towards a |

(not tested, but that was my immediate reaction on reading this thread - disallow breaks where they're going to cause a problem)


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