Am 15.01.2016 um 01:19 schrieb Simon Albrecht:
> On 15.01.2016 01:09, Urs Liska wrote:
>> F) is interesting as it*only*  has strictBeatBeaming set.
>> There is no subdivision in the middle of the beam (7-8) because
>> subdivideBeams is not set. However, the beamlets at stems 2 and 10 force
>> the subdivisions 2-3 and 9-10, each resulting in the beam count
>> corresponding to the metrical value of the right stem.
> This looks odd, since there is such a large gap at 2–3. By mere
> intuition, I’d say there should be three beams at this position.

I think it would be rather trivial to do now. But I think the current
solution is what people suggested.
With music with such short notes (i.e. high number of beams) anything
looks quite strange, and I wouldn't want to engrave *anything* without
subdivideBeams on.


> Yours, Simon

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