Hi Urs,

> Take the attached example "undivided". Of course the second line is easier to 
> read and therefore preferable


> So I suggest the following:
>       • Default behaviour is (as currently): point the extra beam to the side 
> with more stems (i.e. join them)
>       • strictBeatBeaming produces (as currently) the extra stemlet but (new) 
> joins the beams on the non-flag side
>       • subdivideBeams produces (as currently) a subdivision on the non-flag 
> side, regardless of the strictBeatBeaming setting.
> The attached image beaming-options.png illustrates these three options.
> However, as I'm aware that most people will want to have subdivided beams at 
> strictBeatBeaming's extra beamlets, even when beams are not generally 
> subdivided I suggest an option, say "subdivideAtStrictBeaming" that does just 
> that, and set it to ##t as default.

To me, that sounds like the best of all possible worlds.


Kieren MacMillan, composer
‣ website: www.kierenmacmillan.info
‣ email: i...@kierenmacmillan.info

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