On Mon 09 Nov 2015 at 23:22:14 (+0000), Graham King wrote:
> On Mon, 2015-11-09 at 14:55 -0600, Christopher R. Maden wrote:
>     On 11/09/2015 02:47 PM, Kieren MacMillan wrote:
>     > The very first thing they said to me was, “Add measure numbers.”
>     >
>     > That’s sufficient reason for me.  =)
>     Good answer.
>     In that case, I would pick one part, and force those measure numbers in
>     as numeric rehearsal marks in the other parts.
>     Otherwise, you’d need a translation guide...
>     ~Chris
> I guess Gould has a point.  I've just realised that, under my system as I
> described it, a part could have the same bar number twice.  For example, in 
> the
> attachment below, T has two bars "9".  But apart from an ill-chosen number (in
> this case), one could regard the "bar numbers" as "numeric rehearsal marks". 
> Different mechanism, different formatting, same result.  In practice, for the
> sort of music I'm dealing with, the polymetric sections tend to be quite short
> so, for the most part, bar numbers are more helpful than rehearsal marks.

This is avoidable if each new bar is numbered with 1+(number of the
bar—looking across all the parts—that most recently finished). Not
something I could automate with my zero knowledge of scheme.


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