Hi Chris,

> What do you need the bar numbers for?  I suspect rehearsal marks would fit 
> the bill, no?  If not, why not?

The score runs 105 measures in the piano part. I have 9 rehearsal marks (A-I), 
for an average of ~12 measures per rehearsal mark.

In anticipation of officially [self-]publishing “The Country Wife” ASAP, I sat 
down just this past Friday with HAVEN Trio to see how I could improve the score 
and parts. HAVEN has been performing it the most often (~20 performances in the 
past year), and in fact were here in Toronto for new three performances.

The very first thing they said to me was, “Add measure numbers.”

That’s sufficient reason for me.  =)


Kieren MacMillan, composer
‣ website: www.kierenmacmillan.info
‣ email: i...@kierenmacmillan.info

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