On Tue, 2015-11-10 at 10:09 +0100, Urs Liska wrote:

> Am 09.11.2015 um 17:34 schrieb Graham King:
> > 
> > (This note describes an issue arising from the separate thread,
> > "Scholarly footnotes" [1])
> > 
> > I would like to use Urs' annotate.ily[2] to add some footnotes to an
> > edition of sixteenth-century polyphony.  But, before investing too
> > much time, I need to check whether there is now a way for it to cope
> > with polymetric music[3].  
> As the discussion in this thread clearly shows this is firstly a
> conceptual problem. Only if it is clear what you want to achieve we
> can even start thinking about a solution implementation-wise.
> I'm not so sure that it will be possible to implement a solution that
> really works automatically and is at the same time sufficiently
> general. But you'd be in any case to create a manual solution, if
> that's a viable approach given your material (that is: how many of
> these annotations do you expect, will the numbering be stable or will
> you have to expect any changes after the fact?)

Very happy to intervene manually in bar numbering.  The remainder of
this thread is opening my eyes to the difficulty of automating that.

> We would surely be able to taylor a solution using either a custom
> annotation type or a custom annotation property.
> As a start you could try out and tell us what LilyPond/ScholarLY do by
> default if used in polymetric scores. I *assume* that LilyPond
> maintains individual bar numberings for each context

Yes, that appears to be the case.

>  and that ScholarLY will just use the "local" barnumbers, without even
> knowing there's an issue. But it would be nice if you could verify
> that.

Scholarly gives the message: "Sorry, rhythmic position could not be
I hope I'm making a valid test: Had a bit of trouble integrating
ScholarLy with a short test score, so I just plugged the \include
statements and a \criticalRemark stanza into the
Isaac_Confessoribus_Prosa2.ly (which is full of polyrhythms).  Will pick
up again late tonight or tomorrow, to check that \scaleDurations is not
messing things up.  Must dash now.

> Urs
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