At 21:44 02/11/2015 +0000, Alberto Simões wrote:
After your precious help, I consider my task of transcribing this music complete. Of course, I am happy to fix any issue:
There are still a few differences here:

Bar 1: As others have said, the third beat in the upper staff should be an E, not an F-sharp.
Bar 84: The decrescendo should end a beat 
earlier. Surely this should match what you have 
(correctly) in bars 92, 100, 108, and 116?
I'm puzzled by repeated reminder accidentals on tied notes in:
Bar 110: Natural sign before the tied C in the lower staff
Bar 112: Sharp sign before the tied F-sharp in the upper staff
Bar 120: Sharp sign before the tied F-sharp in the upper staff
Bar 122: Sharp sign before the tied F-sharp in the upper staff
Bar 124: Natural sign before the tied C in the lower staff

Surely these are simply confusing? (They are not present in the original.) Even if the accidentals in the previous bars were not reminders, they would affect the tied notes too, and - since the notes are tied - they couldn't be anything else but the same pitch. (The accidental in bar 120 would be necessary if it were not a reminder one, since a system break now occurs here, but that doesn't apply in this case and Lilypond would insert it automatically anyway.) This problem seems to result from your use of the chord repetition symbol "q"; to avoid this, you may want to repeat the chords explicitly instead - without the exclamation marks.
Brian Barker  

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