Urs, I'd still like to see a poll or at least all the answers
collected and analyzed etc.


46-year-old composer.

I use Lilypond for all my scores. I've used off and on for 10 years(?)
but every day for the past 3 years. I started using it because it was
free, produced excellent scores, and having drunk the LaTeX Koolaid it
seemed like a perfect fit.

I don't have access to any instruments so I compose directly into Lilypond.

I have a massive project in the works
(http://www.platonicmusicengine.com) that uses Lua to generate
Lilypond files.

I use LuaLaTeX to bind my scores together into nice books.

I use emacs for my editor as I'm able to do Lilypond, LaTeX, and Lua
files as well as my website and various other projects in the same

On Fri, Sep 11, 2015 at 8:34 AM, Urs Liska <u...@openlilylib.org> wrote:
> Seems I have to chime in instead of preparing a merely statistical poll ...
> 42, pianist, musicologist (with half a decade's worth intermezzo of
> electronic music. Unfortunately that was just before my
> Lilypond/programming time, I already had some ideas to try generating
> LilyPond input from PureData improvisations ....).
> I'm using LilyPond to typeset
> - transpositions from songs I have to play and that are too complex to
> transpose from sight
> - examples and snippets for texts
> - scholarly editions, which is what I'm also working for on a more
> general level.
> Unfortunately I don't recall when I first worked with LilyPond and why I
> started looking at it. One reason was definitely that I was frustrated
> with Finale (2001)'s habit of breaking things after the fact. Probably
> the idea of programmatic access also appealed to me already then.
> Urs
> Am 11.09.2015 um 17:27 schrieb Shane Brandes:
>> 41, organist,  composer frequently for the church, sometimes
>> commissioned works for special occasions and sometimes for self
>> amusement. I use LilyPond to set the above, and sometimes to typeset
>> stuff that has survived the ravages of time poorly causing the desire
>> to have a cleaner score to work from. Use Frescobaldi as a front end
>> as the error parser is invaluable. And yes I occasionally compose
>> directly into LilyPond format when pen and paper is a waste of time.
>> Shane
>> On Fri, Sep 11, 2015 at 8:32 AM, Wols Lists <antli...@youngman.org.uk> wrote:
>>> On 10/09/15 19:59, Tim Reeves wrote:
>>>> Age: 49
>>>> Amateur hornist.
>>>> Typesetting of existing parts, occasionally creating simple exercises,
>>>> fingering charts, etc. Not a regular user, but like to keep up on
>>>> development.
>>>> I use Frescobaldi every time for some time now, and I've been using LP
>>>> for roughly eight years.
>>> Age: fifty-something.
>>> Amateur trombonist
>>> Typesetting and transposing of parts (I mostly play bass clef but can
>>> read treble, but some fellow players only play one or the other, so the
>>> band needs parts in both, and then of course some parts come in tenor
>>> clef :-)
>>> I use a basic editor (kate, pfe, notepad).
>>> I've been using lily since 2.4 and have made the odd contribution.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Wol
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