An experiment:
\version "2.18.2"
\layout {
ragged-last = ##t
% %{
\context {
\remove "Timing_translator"
\remove "Default_bar_line_engraver"
\context {
\consists "Timing_translator"
\consists "Default_bar_line_engraver"
\score {
\new Staff {
\time 6/8
\relative c'' {
\set Staff.instrumentName = #"a)"
\tempo "Tempo Giusto"
\partial 8 g8 | c4 b8 d4 a8 | g4. r4 g'8 | g4 d8 g4 f8 | e4. r4
c8 | g'4 a8 g4 e8 | c4. r4 e8 | d4 b8 c4 a8 | g4. r4. |
} }
\addlyrics {
Jó | es -- tét bar -- na | lány Mi | lö -- le te -- ge | det?
| Ta -- | lán a va -- cso -- | rád Nem | i -- gen jól e -- |
\new Staff { \relative c'' {
\set Staff.instrumentName = #"b)"
\time 2/4
g8 c d c | a g4. | e'8 g d e g e4.
| e8 g a g | e c4. | d8 d4. | a8 c4. |
a8 g4.
} }
\addlyrics {
Vi -- rá -- gim, vi -- | rá -- gim | Gyö -- nyö -- rü vi -- | rá
-- gim
| föd -- re bo -- re | ja tok, | En -- gem si -- ras -- | sa tok
Am 20.08.2015 22:46, schrieb Blöchl Bernhard:
That are the interesting cases where to outsmart the optimised
depiction of lilypond. Usually not an easy task!
First thee is an error, as
d8 d4. a16 c8. |
does not sum up to 2/4. Nay be that line should read
| e8 g a g | e c4. | d8 d4. | a8 c4.
Beside any solution (I do not have any ready) there is some basic math
fr clarification needed. You have
\time 2/4 and \time 6/8. A common time for to give an equal length of
complete bars/measures is 12/8 or a multiple of.
2/4 = 4/8, into 12/8 you can get 3 of. And for 6/8 you can get two of.
Hopefully you might get equal length?
In the fist motive you have 8 bars 6/8, makes 48 eighths and an eight
partial. In the second motive you have 9 bars (if my assumption is
correct) of 2/4, makes 18/4 or 36 eighths. So, the problem of
different lengths is obvious by simple math.
There the question arises, how 48 and 36 eighths should line up? Do
you simply want equal length, or should the line with 36 eighths be
shorter than that with 48 to show the time difference ...??
Am 20.08.2015 20:07, schrieb Jack Taylor:
Hi all,
I'm new to Lilypond, and I appear to have chosen a fiendishly
difficult task
for my first score. It's an example for an academic paper written in
with lilypond-book. I'm trying to input this scanned music snippet
<> - a comparison of two Hungarian folk
- into Lilypond to have it properly typeset. The problem is that the
in the two songs need to line up with each other, but the time
and rhythms are completely different.
I have managed to make the time signatures for each song independent,
I'm having problems making the notes line up (and with stopping the
from running off the page). I've dumped my current code at PasteBin
<> if you want to inspect it (it's not
very long).
This code produces output that looks like this.
<> I have tried to investigate ways of
the notes line up, but a journey into the depths of the learning
notation reference and internals reference has left me a little
Could anyone give me some pointers on the best way to proceed?
Jack Taylor
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