Malte Meyn-3 wrote
> Am 20.08.2015 um 20:07 schrieb Jack Taylor:
>> I have managed to make the time signatures for each song independent, but
>> I'm having problems making the notes line up (and with stopping the music
>> from running off the page). I've dumped my current code at PasteBin
>> <>  if you want to inspect it (it's not
>> very long).
> Probably the easiest way to achieve something very similar to the image 
> you posted is to scale the durations of the second staff (f. e. if there 
> is a “e4. r4” in the upper staff and a “e4.” in the lower, scale it to 
> “e4.*5/3”) and set beams and bar lines manually (turn the automatic 
> behaviour off with \cadenzaOn).
> Here is a solution (I also moved the Metronome_mark_engraver from Score 
> to Staff to be able to print to a tempo on each staff):

Nice work, Malte! I've added a few *tiny* things to make the code exactly
match the target image from the OP:


\version "2.18.2"

\layout {
   \context {
     \remove "Timing_translator"
     \remove "Default_bar_line_engraver"
     \remove "Metronome_mark_engraver"
   \context {
     \consists "Timing_translator"
     \consists "Default_bar_line_engraver"
     \consists "Metronome_mark_engraver"
   indent = 0    % <--- added

\score {
     \new Staff \with {
       instrumentName = "a)"
     } \relative c'' {
       \time 6/8
       \tempo "Tempo Giusto"
       \partial 8 g8 |
       c4 b8 d4 a8 |
       g4. r4 g'8 |
       g4 d8 g4 f8 |
       e4. r4
       \bar "|" \break  % <--- added for mid-measure break
       c8 |
       g'4 a8 g4 e8 |
       c4. r4 e8 |
       d4 b8 c4 a8 |
       g4. r4 
       \bar "|"  % <--- added
     \addlyrics  {
       Jó | es -- tét bar -- na | lány    Mi | lö -- le te -- ge | det?
       | Ta -- | lán a va -- cso -- | rád    Nem | i -- gen jól e -- | sett
     \new Staff \with {
       instrumentName =  "b)"
       \omit TimeSignature % don’t print it
     } \relative c'' {
       \tempo "Rubato"
       \cadenzaOn % don’t do barchecks, barlines, etc. automatically
       % now scale durations so that they fit to the other voice
       % you have to set manual beams [ ]
       % and manual barlines with \bar "|"  % <--- added
       g8[ c8*2 d8 c8*2] \bar "|"
       a8 g4.*5/3 \bar "|"
       e'8[ g8*2 d8 e8*2] \bar "|"
       g8 e4.*5/3 \bar "|"
       e8[ g8*2 a8 g8*2] \bar "|"
       e8 c4.*5/3 \bar "|"
       d8 d4.*2/3
       a16*2 c8.*4/3 \bar "|"
       a8 g4.*5/3 \bar "|"
     \addlyrics {
       Vi -- rá -- gim, vi -- rá -- gim Gyö -- nyö -- rü vi -- rá -- gim
       föd -- re bo -- re ja tok, En -- gem si -- ras -- sa tok


I can't claim any more than that from your excellent solution ;-) Well done!

- Abraham

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