Am 03.08.2015 um 00:29 schrieb user3871075:
Malte - I understand that only doing transposition at the score level would work. However, I'm entering some music from printed instrument parts so I'd much prefer to enter them "as is" instead of have to transpose in my head.
Ok, I misunderstood this (I thought you wanted to enter all music in sounding pitch).
You can do the following: Enter written pitches and transpose them to sounding pitches. Store that in trumpet/clarinet/altoSaxNotes.
Now use this sounding music to build the score. Use the transpose and transposition in the score to get back to written pitches and correct quotes.
%%%%%%%% \version "2.18.2" trumpetNotes = \transpose c' bes \relative c'' { c4 c c c } \addQuote "trumpet" \trumpetNotes clarinetNotes = \transpose c' bes \relative c'' { g4 \quoteDuring #"trumpet" { s } g g | } altoSaxNotes = \clarinetNotes << \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "trumpet" } \transpose bes c' { \transposition bes \trumpetNotes } \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "clarinet" } \transpose bes c' { \transposition bes \clarinetNotes } \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "alto sax" } \transpose ees c' { \transposition ees \altoSaxNotes } >> %%%%%%%%
And I'll keep in mind that the '#' and "" are optional for \quoteDuring. I typically just copy/paste examples from the documentation.
The safe way is to use at least "" and sometimes even # is necessary, but lilypond is flexible and sometimes it’s less to type if you leave them out. So if you know what you do it’s fine ;)
For example, instrumentName = trumpet will do the same as instrumentName = "trumpet" but instrumentName = bes will fail because ‘bes’ is recognized as a pitch name and not as a string. And \tweak #'font-size 4 will do the same as \tweak #'font-size #4 but in a \markup you need the # and \font-size 4 will fail. _______________________________________________ lilypond-user mailing list