Yes! You solved it!

Thank you Marc and Klaus. I tested your suggestions Marc, and they worked fine for the ties. However I had no success with the starting repeat. I had already seen the example you referred to, and found that it works fine with only one staff. But my score is a wee more complicated, and I was not able to find a suitable solution.

On the whole none of my efforts had any success with my approach. First when I took the solution from Klaus with two parallel staves, well one of which partly hidden, all the pieces of the puzzle came to their places. Indeed all the points on my wish list were fulfilled. Fantastic! However I used the hint from you Marc with the standard bar definition ".|:-||", which implied a simpler solution. Yes, I know that you, Klaus, also proposed this. I discovered, when reading the manual, that this was existing already in version 2.16, without my knowing, but then with another definition.

However, when I should apply this on my real score, I stumbled over a new issue. I had not mentioned this, as I was not aware of it being a problem. How can I put an instrument name on the staves? Possibly I can have the name written at the first measure, but when the first staff is increased with another one, I cannot put a name on that. I can use \shortInstrumentName, but then I get the name written at every staff, and this is not what I want. Is there possibly a way to force a writing once, at the start of the new staff?

As before this image is created with Gimp.

Many thanks to you Marc and Klaus for your valuable aid.

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