Hello all LilyPond users,
I assume the score below is impossible to achieve in LilyPond, or is it?
The image is fake and produced in Gimp as an overlay from two different
results from LP.
The piece of music consists of two parts, the first one on just one
staff, but the second on two staves. The first one ends in a repeat with
two alternative exits and a double barline. The repeat construction does
not seem to cause any problems.
At the transition to part two there is key change. The ending notes from
part one are tied to the starting notes in part two. Part two is
starting with a repeat.
Here is my LilyPond code so far. It does not produce the score above.
The ties and the double barline disappears.
\version "2.18.2"
\paper { ragged-right = ##t }
vA = \relative c' {
\repeat volta 2 { c4 c c c }
\alternative {
{ d4 d d d }
{ e4 e e <e g>~ }
vB = \relative g' {
\bar ".|:" % (1)
\repeat volta 2 { <e g>4 a a a }
vC = \relative g' {
\bar ".|:" % (2)
\repeat volta 2 { c4 c c c }
newKey = \key g \major
noSig = \override Staff.TimeSignature #'stencil = ##f
\score {
\new ChoirStaff {
\new Voice {
\bar "||"
\newKey \vB
% \new Staff { \noSig \newKey \vC } % (3)
\layout { indent = #0 }
\score {
\new Voice {
\removeWithTag #'midi \vA
% \bar "||"
% \key f \major
\removeWithTag #'midi \vB
\layout { indent = #0 }
\midi { }
If I remove (comment) the lines marked (1) in voice vB and (2) in voice
vC the start repeats in part two disappears (of course) but the ending
double barline in part one is there. However no ties.
Removing the line marked (3) in the \score section brings the ties and
the double barline, but of course you lose the system. You however keep
the ties even if you put there the start repeat (line (1)).
It seems like the start repeat and the double barline are mutually
exclusive. Possibly this is logical, as, in a way, they are the same
barline. But is there any workaround?
The ties do not seem to like the second staff in part two. Is there any
So here are my wishes:
1. The ties shall survive the transition.
2. The double barline
3. The Key change
4. The start repeat in the system (part two) is printed.
Hoping for suggestions from you skilled group members.
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