On 2015-06-18 11:18, David Kastrup wrote:
70147pers...@telia.com writes:
Here is my LilyPond code so far. It does not produce the score
above. The ties and the double barline disappears.
\score {
\new Voice {
Processing `/tmp/tel.ly'
/tmp/tel.ly:52:9: error: unknown escaped string: `\brytmall'
/tmp/tel.ly:52:9: error: unrecognized string, not in text script or \lyricmode
Hi David and everybody,
Oh how stupid of me not to finally test the code before publishing. As
you might see there are two \score blocks, the last one should be
ereased. It is a remainder from earlier test versions. I had removed the
definition of the variable brytmall but the reference was left in the
wrong \score.
By the way: brytmall is Swedish for breaking template, which I often use
for defining line and page breaks. It consists of only spacing and break
So this should be the (hopefully) correct code:
\version "2.18.2"
\paper { ragged-right = ##t }
vA = \relative c' {
\repeat volta 2 { c4 c c c }
\alternative {
{ d4 d d d }
{ e4 e e <e g>~ }
vB = \relative g' {
\bar ".|:" % (1)
\repeat volta 2 { <e g>4 a a a }
vC = \relative g' {
% \bar ".|:" % (2)
\repeat volta 2 { c4 c c c }
newKey = \key g \major
noSig = \override Staff.TimeSignature #'stencil = ##f
\score {
\new ChoirStaff {
\new Voice {
\bar "||"
\newKey \vB
% \new Staff { \noSig \newKey \vC } % (3)
\layout { indent = #0 }
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