Hi Gilles,

> This seemed great

It *is* great — trust me.  =)

> I looked for it in the documentation; and did not find it…

Hopefully someday you will.

>> it does not make sense to improve the maintainability of a large
>> set of scores by relying on a functionality that has to be adapted
>> manually in future and thus produces more manual interventions.
> Indeed.

It also doesn’t make sense to feed a self-fueling spiral of wider 
non-acceptance by actively avoiding the use of a tool as game-changing as the 
edition-engraver. Instead, why not download it (from OLL), try it out, and — if 
it proves as beneficial to you as it is to some of us — help try to get it 
polished and accepted into the standard Lilypond distro?

Just a “glass half-full” thought amongst this mostly “glass half-empty” thread.



Kieren MacMillan, composer
‣ website: www.kierenmacmillan.info
‣ email: i...@kierenmacmillan.info

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