Hi Wol,

>> Even if not everyone will agree on "the" standard layout, I feel that it
>> is extremely important to define one, with the maximum flexibility. 
> The problem arises, of course, when there are existing, conflicting, 
> standards.

Let’s be clear that there are two different areas of “standards” to be 
discussed: the input (Lilypond source code) and the output (engraved score).

As you noted, when our current stylesheet project comes to fruition, it will be 
possible to output any “house style” you want, including the “B&H Brass Band 

That doesn’t in any meaningful way affect our decisions regarding standards for 
the Lilypond source code, if we want to develop and promote them.



Kieren MacMillan, composer
‣ website: www.kierenmacmillan.info
‣ email: i...@kierenmacmillan.info
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