Am 24.04.2015 um 12:43 schrieb Federico Bruni:
2015-04-21 1:07 GMT+02:00 Kieren MacMillan
< <>>:
> Seems to me it has been quite successful in its goals of making sheet
music easily available for free, all
works in the public domain or under creative commons licenses, in
(user-editable, user-improvable) LilyPond format, pdf, and midi —
all with volunteer labor. Looks like the total is over 1900 works
Other than the “user-editable, user-improvable” issue, all of
those things are far better done by IMSLP. Put another way,
looking at IMSLP (with 310,000 scores) and Mutopia (with 1,900),
the shine quickly comes off Mutopia for anyone except the handful
of hardcore DIY musicians who (e.g.,) want to take a violin piece
from Mutopia and make a guitar arrangement.
You forgot the quality of sheets: a (really) digital PDF will always
look better than a scanned PDF.
I think it depends: firstly, many IMSLP scores are on a level of
typographical quality which – I’m sorry – Lilypond might never reach.
And if scan quality is not too low, I do fancy the more soft, mellow
look of scans from hand-engraved scores.
Yours, Simon
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