2015-04-22 12:21 GMT+02:00 James Harkins <jamshar...@qq.com>:

> Even after a few years of using LP, it's still kind of a mindf... erm,
> mind-blower that notes appear close together in the score but they may be
> written in widely separated locations in the LP code. I'm used to
> programming and it's slightly bizarre even to me. For a musician who just
> wants to lay out a nice string arrangement, "viola bar 37 is on line 254,
> but cello bar 37 is on line 401???" What I'm saying is not just about
> usability. It's that LP's input structure goes against the way music lives
> in our heads -- meaning that LP's user base can include only those who are
> willing to adapt to an unfamiliar way of thinking for the sake of the
> better output.

I agree, but splitting the editor view can help. You probably know it
already, but I guess that many new users will ignore this possibility.

I meant to suggest adding some editor tips in the Usage manual.. one year
ago (time flies..):

I've just added an issue to the tracker:
lilypond-user mailing list

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