
> This is not hard to implement at all, you just have to set things up
> appropriately.

You give a perfect example of why we need to improve Lilypond’s implementation. 
The method

>       clarinetIPart = \relative c'' {
>               ... % clarinet music here
>       }
>       clarinetIIPart = \relative c'' {
>               ... % clarinet music here
>       }
>       clarinets = new Staff {
>               set Staff.instrumentName = #"Clarinets in B\flat I, II"
>               \transposition bes
>               \transpose bes c' \partcombine
>                       \clarinetIPart \clarinetIIPart
>       }

not only requires too much overhead/effort, it requires extra workarounds when 
key signatures are triggered externally (i.e., in a global variable). Rather, 
one should simply be able to say [something like]

   clarinets = {
    \takeInstrument #”clar.Bf”
    %%  Bb clarinet music here
    \takeInstrument #“clar.A”
    %%  A clarinet music here

and all scores (transposing and concert-pitch) should Do The Right Thing™, with 
perhaps a few parameters/switches to help as necessary.

Having engraved at least a hundred multi-instrumentalist movements from my own 
music (for both classical and musical theatre orchestras), I can report with 
great confidence that Lily’s current built-in implementation is frustrating to 
the point of insufficiency.


Kieren MacMillan, composer
‣ website: www.kierenmacmillan.info
‣ email: i...@kierenmacmillan.info

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