Am 18.04.2015 um 00:33 schrieb H. S. Teoh:
On Fri, Apr 17, 2015 at 09:12:50PM +0200, Urs Liska wrote:
Am 17.04.2015 um 20:44 schrieb H. S. Teoh:
More annoying is the fact that \partcombine often gets confused when
the two voices have very divergent rhythms -- crescendo hairpins
don't merge, dynamics get printed twice,
I have recently written an engraver that removes duplicate markups,
dynamics and line spanners. Seems to work quite reliably (you may look
for a thread about "duplicate items" or something like this, from last
week or so).
Thanks! I'll have to look into that sometime. That will certainly help
keep my input file clean and maintainable. Currently some parts of it
look very messy due to the amount of \partcombineApart,
I don't think that engraver will make the \partcombineXXX stuff
obsolete. But you can leave out the tag constructs to avoid duplicate texts.
I will try to make that easily available in openLilyLib soon (if I
should remember to do so when I have the time for it).
\partcombineChords, etc.. (Not to mention other hacks like using \tag
for alternating between notation to be printed vs. notes to be sent to
the MIDI output. But the latter is not a problem if all you're looking
to produce is the printed score.)
short rests in the voices cause silly "a2" and "Solo" markings
several times per bar within 1-2 notes of each other, etc.. I've had
some luck in ironing out most of these issues with manually-placed
\partcombineApart, \partcombineChords, and \partcombineAutomatic,
I found this approach very tedious - and obscure. Because when you
encounter an issue in the output of a longer combined voice it's
absolutely not obvious in which mode the partcombiner is at the
moment, not even if there is a manual setting active right now or if
the current state is determined automatically by the partcombiner.
Well, the default setting is \partcombineAutomatic, and usually it works
relatively well. Only for the short segments for which it doesn't, I
will insert the other \partcombine* directives, immediately followed by
a reset to \partcombineAutomatic at the end of the problematic passage.
At least so far, I haven't run into any major snags yet. I actually have
my instrument parts completely separated, e.g., I have variables
"fluteIPart" and "fluteIIPart" that contain the entire part for each
respective instrument; I only use \partcombine at the containing scope
where I define the flute staff:
fluteIPart = ... % entire part for first flute
fluteIIPart = ... % entire part for second flute
flutes = \new Staff = "flutes" {
\set Staff.instrumentName = "flutes"
\partcombine \fluteIPart \fluteIIPart
... % later on I write \flutes to place the staff in the main score.
Of course that's what I have too. But in the score I'm currently working
on there are numerous issues that have to be dealt with manually. Maybe
that's due to lots of independent dynamics and phrasings in the voices?
but there are still a few cases where I had to use \override
DynamicText.stencil and \override Hairpin.stencil to hide the
redundant marks. Most annoyingly, since I use the same source for
generating the instrument parts, where the marks should *not* be
hidden, I ended up writing macros that use \tag to hide certain marks
only inside \partcombine but to leave them intact elsewhere.
I did not go that far, but I definitely think it should not be
necessary to do such awkward workarounds for such a default (I don't
say trivial) task.
Very true, the user shouldn't have to resort to hacks of this sort to
make things work. We really need to give \partcombine some TLC so that
it works better than it currently does. (Unfortunately I don't know the
Lilypond code too well yet, so I don't really feel ready to tackle such
a complex task yet.)
Fortunately there is one person who is actively working on the
partcombiner, so I think there *is* some improvement currently. So we
*do* have some progress right now. But I don't know how the time he can
put into that relates to the time that would be necessary to bring the
partcombiner to a professional level as a whole. Somehow it feels the
partcombiner is something that might be better of redone completely ...
But the most annoying limitation of the partcombiner is actually a
result of a limitation in LilyPond: the fact that spanners are
That means that when a slur starts at a \partcombineApart section it
can't be ended in a \partcombineChords section. This often requires
extremely ugly workarounds, and in not too few cases it even required
me to change the output to something I wouldn't want to do, just to
have a slur _at all_.
Oh. Yikes. I guess I've been lucky enough not to run into this yet...
But yeah, \partcombine needs a lot of work.
I use SCons, git, and vim, but same idea, I guess. :-) Especially git
is indispensible when I need to experiment with different ways of
working around a particular Lilypond limitation without losing track
of where I was and/or accidentally losing data or introducing
inadvertent mistakes in the score.
Add to this a setup with ~15 contributors ... :-)
But one thing I didn't go for is the automation of building and
testing. Probably I'd give SCons a try, but I just didn't manage
(particularly because along the way of the project I've somewhat
become the only "project maintainer" out of originally two - which is
a significant percentage, I think ...)
It's not that much different from make, really, at least as far as
Lilypond scores go.
That doesn't help me because my experience with make is limited to using
it for compiling source distributions ;-)
But I'd go for SCons because it's Python and I assume it would be quite
natural to integrate it in Python based constructs.
Or at least, as far as my own Lilypond projects go.
So far, I've kept my entire score in a single file (besides some generic
macros and scheme functions that I put in separate, reusable files) -- I
have a pretty rigid structure that I stick to, with various search
markers placed in comments at fixed points in the file, so that I can
easily navigate the file with vim's search function. So far it has
worked well. But I can see how this could turn into a big mess once
multiple people start working on the same file, and not everyone uses
the same conventions...
Seems like quite the opposite of my approach (see
find . -name "*.?ly" | wc -l returns 2917 for the project ;-)
But of course either approach is valid as long as it suits the
personal/project set-up.
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