On Sun, Apr 19, 2015 at 03:12:20PM +0200, Orm Finnendahl wrote:
> Another thing: For me, also the implementation of transposing
> instruments is less than ideal (I prefer to write the pitches in
> concert pitch and have them transposed for the parts, rather than the
> other way around, as it is implemented at the moment). I would be very
> willing to sponsor this.

This is not hard to implement at all, you just have to set things up
appropriately. I also always write at concert pitch, and I use a
combination of \transposition and \transpose so that the part is printed
with the correct transposition. Here's roughly how I do it:

        clarinetIPart = \relative c'' {
                ... % clarinet music here

        clarinetIIPart = \relative c'' {
                ... % clarinet music here

        clarinets = new Staff {
                set Staff.instrumentName = #"Clarinets in B\flat I, II"
                \transposition bes
                \transpose bes c' \partcombine
                        \clarinetIPart \clarinetIIPart

The music in \clarinetIPart and \clarinetIIPart is written in concert
pitch. Later on, \clarinets is used to create the conductor's score with
the right transpositions applied. A similar setup is used for generating
parts for the individual clarinets with the right transpositions.

Of course, all this can probably be encapsulated in a convenient macro
that takes a single argument specifying the transposition relative to
c', and generates the requisite commands to make it all work.


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