On Wednesday March 17 2004 06:38, Mats Bengtsson wrote:
> Edward Sanford Sutton, III wrote:
> > On Tuesday March 16 2004 10:45, Mats Bengtsson wrote:
> >>A single grace notes without a slur but with a slash is trivial to
> >>obtain, see
> >>http://mail.gnu.org/archive/html/lilypond-user/2004-02/msg00122.html
> >
> > Is there a doc somewhere that would have told me that a grace note with a
> > slur has to go under a phrasing slur since it breaks a normal slur?
> ??? The following example works fine, at least with 2.1.30:
>   c4 ( \appoggiatura e8 d4 e f ) |
> I guess the problem appears if you want another slur to end at the
> main note after the appoggiatura/acciaccatura.
> I was actually surprised myself to notice that slurs indeed can be
> nested in LilyPond of neither the start nor the end point coincide.
> Last time this was discussed on the list (more than a year ago), I
> think the conclusion was that it doesn't make sense, musically, to
> have nested slurs, except when you have a normal slur under a phrasing
> slur. That's why the phrasing slurs were introduced.
> Just as you, I cannot find this documented anywhere in the manual.
> For a violin player like me, a normal slur means "play these notes
> in the same bow", so it doesn't make sense to allow for slured grace
> notes under a normal slur and the current "limitation" to only allow
> for two levels of slurs (normal and phrasing) is OK. However, this
> may be different on other instruments, so maybe this decision should
> be reconsidered, having slured grace notes in mind.
>    /Mats
        But does a nested slur always work? I am on 2.1.30.hwn1 and with a code 
snippet from my nocturne piece I'm typesetting
g8\( |
     f4.\trill^\markup { \finger "13" } \acciaccatura { e16-2[ f] } g8\)
if you turn the phrasing slur into a normal slur, it errors at the first g8 's 
slur saying that it is unterminated despite that it was marked to terminate 
at the last g8.
        There is a part where, chronologically, the top notes start a slur, the 
bottom notes start a slur, then both notes end together. there were 2 notes 
in the right hand as chords that bounce around within these slurs; phrasing 
slurs allowed me to do this, but I don't know that it was right to begin 

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