On Wednesday March 17 2004 10:48, Mats Bengtsson wrote:
> > On the topic of ambiguities, es and ees both are e-flat; I haven't seen
> > it documented or used so I avoid it myself. it it normal, correct, and
> > acceptable for proper style?
> It's probably just included for completeness. For people who don't
> speak dutch, it's easier to discribe the general principle of just
> adding 'es' at the end of the note name, even though the native
> speakers (at least that's what I guess) use 'as' instead of 'aes' and
> 'es' instead of 'ees'.
>    /Mats

Well I wondered if it was allowed; I think I found it as a mistake. I had one 
piece I wrote in 'my style', which consists on 'how small byte size can I 
go'. LilyPond reads it fine, but emacs can't even color it. It was about 
2k-2.5k in size; It went up at least an additional k after I went back and 
redid it to my current standards. 'es' was just 1 of the things I was using 
to shorted my files back then.

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