On Friday 12 March 2004 01:48, Edward Sanford Sutton, III wrote:
> On Wednesday March 10 2004 12:23, David Raleigh Arnold wrote:
> > On Saturday 06 March 2004 02:53, Edward Sanford Sutton, III wrote:
> > >   Is there a preferred way to have two different dynamics in a
> > > section of music to indicate that it is played at one level the
> > > first time and at the next level the second time?
> >
> > fp is common, and I've seen pf.  I've never seen f-p.
> fp to me implies that the note have a strong attack, followed by
> immediately pulling back the intensity.

That's <sfz> sforzando.  fp is forte first time, p second time.

> > Use markup, and make a separate midi version without the volte. 
> > That's really the only way to do any fine tuning of the midi.  Midi
> > is in LilyPond only to check for errors.  The GODs are not going to
> > go any further, but I don't think that they would mind if someone
> > else did.
> >
> > A lily2midge converter might be the way to go with that.  daveA
> I personally hope that I can get back into programming this summer a
> bit; This is one idea I have for a project I might take up. LilyPond
> does so good with sheet music output; it is a very helpful tool to
> proofread a document by syntax, output, and even aurally. Listening
> to output has helped me find wrong notes quite well, but that is
> about as far as I find I can use it without more precise output.

Midge is a midi creator that makes midi files from a text file.  The
syntax is completely different, but it is a GNU project.  It is
newer than lilypond, but it has more controls of the midi.  It
seems to me that it would be good to have a way to use them both
at once.  daveA

It's not that hard to understand the lesson of Viet Nam.  Never never
never never defend one tyrant against another, because The worst thing
that can happen is you might win.  The *Gulf* war was worse than Nam.
D. Raleigh Arnold dra@ (http://www.) openguitar.com [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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