On Thursday 11 March 2004 23:46, Paul Scott wrote:
> David Raleigh Arnold wrote:
> >On Saturday 06 March 2004 02:53, Edward Sanford Sutton, III wrote:
> >>  Is there a preferred way to have two different dynamics in a
> >>section of music to indicate that it is played at one level the
> >> first time and at the next level the second time?
> >
> >fp is common, and I've seen pf.  I've never seen f-p.
> It occurs in marches all the time.

That pretty much tears it.  Plan A, to have a single markup that also
applies to midi for repeats, is pretty much hopeless to implement.
Plan B is to implement a new special syntax for dynamics with volte.
Until that is done, the separate midi version is the only alternative.

Plan B is a bit more tricky than it would appear, because many people
want a long printed version with a short midi file without all the
repeats, and others would find the opposite more useful.  There are
other problems, like what happens with crescendi?

I think that it would be a good idea in any case to have \dynamic apply
both midi and markup, \pdynamic (\performdynamic) apply midi but not
markup, and \tdynamic (\textdynamic) apply markup but not midi.  Simpler
to remember is all.

A way to make a separate midi version in the same file would be good.
Simply have the midi block contain a copy of the notes in the score
block.  If there are no notes in the midi block, it could continue to
use all the notes in the score, the way it does now.  If it contained
\midinotes, only those notes would be rendered into midi.

\score { \notes <<
   \midi { \midinotes <<
      \midiglobal (contains tempo changes, etc.)

It's not that hard to understand the lesson of Viet Nam.  Never never
never never defend one tyrant against another, because The worst thing
that can happen is you might win.  The *Gulf* war was worse than Nam.
D. Raleigh Arnold dra@ (http://www.) openguitar.com [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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