In v1.6.10, Lily set rehearsal marks at the beginning of a line in a
nice big, bold face, after the key signature. However, in v2.0.0, it was
much more insignificant and slap bang on top of the bar number.

It seems that the rehearsal marks in 2.0.x are not typeset in boldface, just one step larger than ordinary lyrics and text scripts. You could change the default values by setting some properties, for example: \property Score.RehearsalMark \set #'font-series = #'bold For more information, follow the link to "RehearsalMark" at the bottom of

In recent 2.1.x versions, the default is boldface and the way to change
it has changed.

> Also using

\mark "A" \default \default

gave me A, B, C in v 1.6.10 but A, 1, 2 in v2.0.0 so I had to declare
each mark specifically.

I don't have any 2.0.x version installed, but from the regression test of version 2.0.3 on the web, it seems to be solved, see


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