Hello All! I'm new to the list, so be gentle with me please!
Can anyone tell me why the attached .ly file won't work - it seems such a simple piece of music. It produces the output shown in the attached .png file instead of what I want - which is a system of four staves with identical words underneath each staff. As you can see there is something weird going on with the rhythm in bar 2 and the lyrics are just doing their own thing! Also why did I have to put in the \RemoveEmptyStaffContext command in the \paper block to get get rid of a spurious extra staff that appeared at the top of the page? I wouldn't have thought so simple a piece would require this. I'm confused because I have previously managed to get far more complex pieces to work properly! BTW I'm using v2.0.0 of Lily from PlanetCCRMA. Thanx in advance, Andrew
%Good Morning! \version "2.0.0" \include "paper16.ly" \paper { linewidth = 16.0\cm \translator { \RemoveEmptyStaffContext } } \header { dedication = "" title = "Good Morning!" subtitle = "" subsubtitle = "" composer = "" opus = "" piece = "" instrument = "" arranger = "arr. FJB" poet = "" texttranslator = "" copyright = "FJB" footer = "Typeset by GNU Lilypond" tagline = "Typeset by GNU Lilypond" source = "" enteredby = "A L Longland-Meech" maintainerEmail = "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" } global = \notes { \time 2/2 \partial 4 \skip 4*16 \bar "|." } words = \lyrics { Good morn -- ing, good morn -- ing, good morn -- ing to you! } \score { \new ChoirStaff << \global \addlyrics \new Staff { \property Staff.instrument = "Annette" \notes \key a \major \notes \relative c' { e4 cis e2 e4 cis'4. a8~ a4 e cis' a2 b4 a2. } \new Lyrics \words } \addlyrics \new Staff { \property Staff.instrument = "Andrew" \notes \key a \major \notes \relative c' { d4 cis cis2 d4 a'4. fis8~ fis4 e a fis2 gis4 fis2. } \new Lyrics \words } \addlyrics \new Staff { \property Staff.instrument = "Fred" \notes \key a \major \notes \relative c' { b4 a b2 b4 fis4. e8~ e4 e fis d2 e4 e2. } \new Lyrics \words } \addlyrics \new Staff { \property Staff.instrument = "Dan" \notes \key a \major \notes \relative c' { gis4 a a2 a4 e'4. cis8~ cis4 e d b2 d cis2. } } \new Lyrics \words >> }
<<attachment: goodmorning.png>>
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